Resources on this page are categorized based on the following types:
A 10-point action plan for governments and businesses to rebuild stronger after COVID-19 by prioritizing women’s digital financial inclusion
Analyzing impacts and potential of mobile money on (women’s) economic empowerment, financial inclusion and poverty reduction.
The devastating social and economic impacts of COVID-19 have heightened the need for proven solutions to keep the Sustainable Development Goals within reach
The G2PX initiative brings global knowledge and expertise across sectors to contribute to the broader agenda of improving government-to-person payments through digitization that accelerates critical development outcomes.
This report from FinCoNet’s Standing Committee presents findings on the use of Supervisory Technology (SupTech) by market conduct supervisors.
COVID-19 is causing unprecedented health, economic and social crises and threatens the poverty and inclusion gains that have been made over the last decade.
Mexico has been among the forerunners in tax digitalization, starting in the 1980s when it piloted digital Point of Sale (PoS) registration and invoicing.
The COVID-19 crisis is having a significant and widespread effect on global payments across sectors. The most striking and potentially lasting impact is an accelerating pace of change in the industry.