2012 the Better Than Cash Alliance was launched at an event at the Ford Foundation in New York.
Watch the video from the event
I. Welcome by Luis Ubiñas, President, Ford Foundation
II. Announcement of the Better Than Cash Alliance
III. Announcement of Government Commitments
IV. The Journey for Governments: Shift Not Drift
V. Announcement of Development Community Commitments
VI. The Global View: A Look at Multiple Markets
VII. A Vision for Electronic Payments in Development
Images from the event:
Christine Roth, Executive Secretary a.i., UN Capital Development Fund
The Journey for Governments: Shift Not Drift H.R.H. Princess Máxima of the Netherlands, United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development, Carolina Trivelli, Minister, Development and Social Inclusion, Peru, Florencio Abad, Budget Secretary, Department of Budget and Management, Philippines, Dr. Geoffrey Mwau, Economic Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Kenya, Moderated by Matthew Bishop, The Economist
Doug Michelman, Global Head of Corporate Relations, Visa Inc., Dr. Helene Gayle, CEO, CARE
Helen Clark, Administrator, UN Development Programme and Chair, UNDG, Francesco Vanni d’Archirafi, CEO Transaction Services, Citi
Dr. Rajiv Shah, Administrator, USAID
Better Than Cash Alliance demonstration bar
Rodger Voorhies, Director, Financial Services for the Poor, Global Development Program, Gates Foundation
Luis Ubinas, President, Ford Foundation