On behalf of the United Nations’ Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Ms. Bettina Tucci Bartsiotas, UN Assistant Secretary-General and Controller, announced that the UN Secretariat had just joined the Better Than Cash Alliance, committing to transitioning payments from cash to digital within the UN system.
The announcement was made today at a high level event on digital inclusive finance at the UN Global Goals Summit, in New York. Watch her full speech below (25:24).
“By being part of the Better Than Cash Alliance, we are underscoring our commitment to transitioning payments within the UN system from cash to digital, and to help inspire others within the UN system to follow the Secretariat lead.”
“By joining the Alliance, the UN Secretariat will demonstrate to member states that the UN is committed to doing its part to implement the development and financing agendas, and to model good practice. We expect to realize the benefits of greater efficiency and transparency and accountability in digitizing our operations, whether through peacekeeping missions, relief operations and other aspects of our work.”
Quotes by Ms. Bettina Tucci Bartsiotas, UN Assistant Secretary-General and Controller / © Better Than Cash Alliance / Zack Seckler
“Financial inclusion is of vital importance for the United Nations Secretariat. The digitization of payments can play an integral role in expanding financial inclusion. Together these are a means to achieve broader development goals and contribute to financing the development agenda.”
“The Secretary-General has already demonstrated his commitment to financial inclusion and digital payments through the efforts carried out by the UN Global Compact, through the promotion and dissemination of the UN Principles of Responsible Investment and the important work carried out by the UN Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development, Her Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands.”
“As Assistant Secretary-General and Controller of the United Nations, and as the Secretary-General’s representative to the Better Than Cash Alliance, I look forward to collaborating with the Alliance and all its country members to improve the lives of those we serve through the digitization of payments and expansion of financial inclusion.”