The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Joins UN-based Better than Cash Alliance to Promote Financial Inclusion and Greater Supply Chain Transparency and Efficiency…
In India, the inability to prove one’s identity is one of the biggest barriers that prevents the poor from accessing benefits and subsidies. India is a country with 1.3 billion residents in …
This study designs business models for electronic payment services, utilizing the principle of branchless banking and reviewing relevant aspects of IT risk management, for rural area communities in Indonesia.
This blog post was originally published in the Huffington Post…
Users of Ant Financial’s digital finance platform have prevented 150,000 tons of carbon emissions in just nine months by monitoring the environmental friendliness of their potential purchase…
The paper presents detailed insights from 15 years of financial inclusion research to highlight the importance of fintech, including proposing product development ideas for Fintech players, to better serve developing world market.
This report examines the successful lessons from Kenya, South Africa, Sri Lanka, and Thailand case studies of “gazelles", that leapt from limitation to innovation by successfully enabling the deployment of e-money technology.
Today, over half of the world population lives in cities. By 2050, this number will increase to two-thirds. In this context, this study looks at the net benefits associated with adopting digital payments at the city-level.
Focussing on women, and micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), the paper highlights that digital financial solutions could play a significant part in closing gaps in financial inclusion and povides insights from Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia, and Myanmar.
The paper estabishes that mobile applications are well positioned in Bangladesh’s m-commerce market and are capable of driving sales of high-end mobile phones while providing better services to the users.
The paper highlights that existing literature largely overlooks recent developments in the arena of social protection that are impacting financial needs of the poor and discusses some empirical findings from three Indian states.
This Diagnostic Report shows Bangladesh is making significant strides toward a digital economy, and outlines specific policy measures that can underpin further digitization of payments into the future.
In-depth analysis shows Bangladesh making impressive strides towards a digital economy, identifies solutions for further progress…
The report tracks the implementation of a Cambodian company Kamwork’s pay-as-you-go (PAYG) solar home systems (SHSs) with GSM-based machine-to- machine (M2M) connectivity to validate the business model and determine what level of support from GSM network coverage.
The report makes recommendations for government in india to shape policy that simplifies KYC requirements, making digital payment transactions more user friendly.
Joint post by Camilo Tellez-Merchan of Better than Cash Alliance and Vivek Belgavi of PwC India…
The report provides an overview of the MFS progress in Bangladesh and discusses how selection of staff and beneficiaries from USAID agriculture and health projects are using both traditional and mobile financial services.
This book features case studies from India demonstrating approaches of problem solving, enhancing quality family planning care at the grass-roots level and facilitates advocacy, strengthening programme design and enhancing competency as well as orienting the healthcare system.