The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
New evidence from “Cash for Nutrition Program” in Yemen suggests that “soft conditionality” (encouraging to attend nutritional education) and effective targeting can play an important role i…
The global economy is experiencing important technological shifts, with the rise of digital technology a key driver. This can be seen today in the rapid growth of the digital economy, broadl…
“The paper evaluates the level of financial inclusion in Republic of Macedonia through analazysis of indicators in some basic categories like number of accounts, borrowed funds and payment services. ”
Through an interpretive case study of the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) in Pakistan, the paper investigates how the adoption of mobile phones enabled and constrained poor women for receiving G2P payments and its impact on poor households.
Hghlights how Citi Prepaid Services for IOM beneficiaries resulted in reduced costs, detailed payment reports, as well as greater control and transparency.
Buckinghamshire County Council discusses the case how they provided access to leisure and positive activities for children and young people through prepaid cards, reacheing over 80 percent within 15 months into the program.
The London Borough of Lewisham is an inner-city district serving over 248,000 people.
When young people who have been placed in the Borough’s care leave it at the age of 18, they receiv…