The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Banks are closing MTO accounts as risks increase amid a shifting regulatory environment.
The Financial Action Task Force [says that virtual currencies are a powerful payment method](…
The Better Than Cash Alliance, hosted by UNCDF, gathered with colleagues at the Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP) Council of Governors Annual Meeting last month in Urubamba, Peru….
The Better Than Cash Alliance and the Gates Foundation propose digital financial services as a means for this growth to be broad-based and inclusive, especially for to women.
A Q&A with Dr. Ruth Goodwin-Groen on the Better Than Cash Alliance’s Important New Role…
May 2014 newsletter, BTCA Named as Implementing Partner of the G20’s GPFI, Mercy Corps Deploys E-Voucher System for Crisis in the DRC, Women Micro-Entrepreneurs in Nigeria Save Using Mobile App, The Year of E-Money in the Philippines Concludes with a 20% Lift in Transactions, VIDEO: Successful E-Payments Programs Require Strong Communication Channels, Mobile Money is Quickly Taking Off in Côte d’Ivoire, Study Shows that G2P Digital Payments Have Impact, Pakistan: Millions of Unbanked Citizens to Gain Access to Financial Services, How to Design Electronic G2P Payments in Lower Income Countries, What Can We Learn From New Mobile Money Regulation in the DRC?
This CGAP Focus Note presents the evidence gained from a comprehensive study of the experiences in developing and implementing e-payment schemes linked to financial inclusion in four lower-i…
One Million Low-Income People to Reap Benefits of Digital Money…
On April 15-16, 2014 the Better Than Cash Alliance presented at the First High Level Meeting for Effective Development Cooperation in Mexico City, Mexico. The meeting was organized by the Me…
Women need confidential and easily accessible financial services as well as control over their finances, and electronic payments bring these features to financial products.
March 2014 newsletter, What Can Experiences in Haiti, Kenya, the Philippines & Uganda Teach Us About G2P & D2P E-Payments?, Remote communities in Ghana bank on mobiles, Does gender impact access to mobile financial services?
World Economic Forum recognises electronic payments as a driver for financial inclusion…
CRS Commits to Increase Electronic Payments to Strengthen Local Economies…
In joining the Better Than Cash Alliance, the World Savings and Retail Banking Institute will work to increase the number of electronic transactions undertaken throughout its global membersh…
Are you shifting from cash to electronic payments - or thinking about doing so?
Exciting study results on the Mexican government’s shift to e-payments
The global marketplace for financial services is failing the poor in the developing world, but could be improved to benefit both the poor and financial providers, according to a new study re…
Budget Under-Secretary Richard Bon Moya knew he was being ambitious. The goal was to shift all the financial transactions of the Filipino Government to a digital format—and to do it in five …
Digital Payments and Financial Inclusion Key to Poverty Alleviation and Economic Growth, say World Leaders…
Her Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, UN Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development and Mr Bill Gates to Speak on Digital Financial Inclusion and Inc…