The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Central Bank of Egypt is promoting women’s financial inclusion through a set of different measures such as enabling the legal and regulatory framework conditions, modernizing the financial i…
Ethiopia has a sole mobile network provider and a banking sector that is closed to foreign ownership. Does that make it easy for the government to take a rural-first approach to digitization? Learn about it more in this USAIDFeed The Future brief that also mentions the Alliance.
Through an interpretive case study of the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) in Pakistan, this paper critically examines mobile banking usage by women beneficiaries and technology’s effects on the institutional properties of their households.
Across the global policy community, the jury is now in about the power of digital payments to drive financial inclusion, particularly for women and the poor; improve efficiency and transpare…
Transportation Series: Blog 2…
Transportation Series: Blog 4…
Media release by the Government of Senegal, the Better Than Cash Alliance and MM4P…
This study traces the impact of mobile money transfers on rural poverty. Migrants actively using the technology increased remittances sent by 30% in value.
New data gathered from the Higg Index from 3,000 factories in 58 countries…
El Gobierno de Uruguay albergó a otros países miembro de la Alianza Better Than Cash para compartir sus experiencias en cómo fomentar el uso de los pagos digitales a través de incentivos fiscales.
Access to banks is rapidly increasing worldwide, and allows account-based instead of cash transfers. We conduct a randomized experiment documenting the impact of the payment method on saving…
This paper evaluates the effect on household savings of India’s recent financial inclusion drive, a drive that generated an unprecedented increase in access to financial institutions by usin…
By Alfred Akibo-Betts and Tenzin Keyzom Massally …
By Oswell Kahonde and Angela Corbalan…
By Oswell Kahonde and Juan Blanco …
This blog was originally published on…
This blog was originally published on The Practitioner Hub for Inclusive Business…
A third of adults struggle to get by without basic financial services to protect against hardship and save for the future. Ruth Goodwin-Groen, of the UN-based Better Than Cash Alliance, expl…