
Increasing factory worker well-being through digital payroll

© © ILO / Better Work
BSR ✪ Increasing factory worker well-being through digital payroll


Leading apparel companies have collaborated with each other on the BSR Herfinance program to improve worker well-being through payroll digitization.

Leading global brands – H&M, Marks & Spencer, Target, Li & Fung, Lindex, Debenhams, and Fast Retailing – have collaborated through the HERfinance program to digitize worker payroll at their suppliers in Bangladesh. The program, managed by BSR (Business for Social Responsibility) as part of HERproject and developed in close partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, serves as a unique platform for cross-brand collaboration. Participating factories are supported by their partner brands, BSR, and local NGOs throughout the process, working with mobile financial service providers (BKash and DBBL).

By joining forces, participating companies have a stronger collective voice in influencing garment factories – with the program reaching more than 100,000 workers, 60 percent of whom are women.