The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
As the tragic human costs of COVID-19 mount, the need for practical, scalable, quick and effective solutions is urgent. Now more than ever, it’s time to put digital payments to work.
Four ways our Alliance advanced progress towards Sustainable Development Goals this year!
This paper looks at the impact of security perceptions on the adoption of digital payments and finds that financial service providers (FSPs) should carefully consider risk and trust issues to enable uptake. They should also use tailored promotional strategies to cater to different genders.
New partnership will result in promoting digital payments as an important tool to increase security, financial inclusion and economic opportunities in the workplace. …
Leading brands call on other companies and suppliers in Bangladesh to grasp the opportunity to drive inclusion, efficiency, and transparency through wage digitization…
Scaling Digital Wages: An Opportunity for Garment Employees and Manufacturers…
New CGAP focus note explores the core idea behind future-ready G2P payments, lays out its advantages and challenges, and describes how governments can create modern G2P payments systems. It draws heavily from ongoing efforts in Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia.
This paper explores economic informality and how it relates to digital financial inclusion. It focuses specifically on the potential role that digital financial services–including those accessed through mobile phones and the internet can play in encouraging businesses to formalize their operations.
This book analyzes advances in women’s economic engagement and empowerment in rural and urban Bangladesh.
This study discusses the emergence of bKash as the m-banking pioneer in Bangladesh. It focuses on the services provided by bKash and its current operating scenario in Bangladesh. bKash’s str…
When digital services are designed to only be accessed by more powerful devices, the poor and marginalized are left out. This Institute of Development Studies report discusses barriers in accessing technology-related services in Bangladesh and how they can be removed.
Blockchain Series: Blog 5…
Government of Bangladesh shifted to digital payments to transfer education stipends directly to mobile phone accounts of nearly 13 million mothers. In this report, CGDev takes stock of how t…
Central Bank of Egypt is promoting women’s financial inclusion through a set of different measures such as enabling the legal and regulatory framework conditions, modernizing the financial i…
This GIZ and Amarante Consulting study shares learnings and challenges with mobile wallet uptake among Syrian refugees, women and unbanked Jordanians.
Through an interpretive case study of the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) in Pakistan, this paper critically examines mobile banking usage by women beneficiaries and technology’s effects on the institutional properties of their households.