The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
This two-minute video from the United Nations-based Better Than Cash Alliance is about Romita, a widow in the North East of India who opened a bank account to receive a government loan for a power loom.
Leading brands call on other companies and suppliers in Bangladesh to grasp the opportunity to drive inclusion, efficiency, and transparency through wage digitization…
Blockchain Series: Blog 4…
Government of Bangladesh shifted to digital payments to transfer education stipends directly to mobile phone accounts of nearly 13 million mothers. In this report, CGDev takes stock of how t…
New report underscores benefits of shifting from cash to digital payments in corporate supply chains.
Joins UN-based Better than Cash Alliance to Promote Financial Inclusion and Greater Supply Chain Transparency and Efficiency…
This blog post was originally published in the Huffington Post…
Payments on messaging and e-commerce platforms set to increase China’s GDP by $236 billion by 2025, unlocking new economic opportunities for people and small businesses…
Payday can be an ordeal for women garment workers in Bangladesh. Often, they must wait in long lines, carry wads of cash through crowded streets, or encounter a mother-in-law demanding money…
This paper suggests policymakers and other stakeholders should leverage trends toward financially-inclusive e-payments as a means to achieve multiple potential objectives for bringing financial inlcusion to adolescent girls.
Government of Pakistan joins the United Nations’ Better Than Cash Alliance to create inclusive economic growth and a more efficient market structure…
Government of India joins the United Nations’ Better Than Cash Alliance to share success stories from the world’s largest financial inclusion programme…
The Government of India has joined the UN-based Better Than Cash Alliance in an extension of the Indian Government’s commitment to reduce cash in its economy.
This is the first in a series of articles on the achievements of several Better Than Cash Alliance members…
Bangladesh commits to further national financial inclusion by accelerating the transition to digital payments…
Millions of Bangladeshis, especially women, will benefit from an ambitious commitment by the Government of Bangladesh to expand financial inclusion in line with its Digital Bangladesh Vision 2021.
Government aims for economic growth and women’s empowerment through digital payments initiative…
PNG’s Ministries of Finance and Treasury endorse Better Than Cash Alliance membership…
Government of Afghanistan Joins Better Than Cash Alliance — Pledges to Address Poverty and Grow Economy by Shifting to Electronic Payments…