The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
This brief highlights the role of cash transfers and digital distribution as a part of COVID-19 response in Colombia.
Co-hosted by the Better Than Cash Alliance and CGAP, this webinar captured lessons on delivering vital government-to-person (G2P) payments in a way that expands choice while managing liquidity and cash-out in innovative ways.
Opening new payment gateways for merchants presents risks but much greater opportunities. Striking the right balance between fostering innovative services and managing risk is crucial.
En un mundo donde la tecnología está revolucionando nuestras vidas a un ritmo sin precedentes, la digitalización de pagos es clave para impulsar la adopción de políticas públicas que promuev…
Entrevista a Gustavo Vega, Presidente de la empresa ACH Colombia…
Interview with Gustavo Vega, President of the clearing house ACH Colombia…
Cash remains in high demand despite measures by governments to keep funds digital. This Central Bank of Colombia study finds that economic growth and lower interest rates have a role to play.
What comes after unconditional cash transfers? Does the inclusion of some form of graduation programs offer a more sustainable solution to poverty? Read this blog to learn more about the deb…
El Gobierno de Uruguay albergó a otros países miembro de la Alianza Better Than Cash para compartir sus experiencias en cómo fomentar el uso de los pagos digitales a través de incentivos fiscales.
Entrevista a Felipe Vásquez de Velasco, Gerente General de Pagos Digitales Peruanos (PDP)…
Interview with Felipe Vásquez de Velasco, General Manager of Peruvian Digital Payments (PDP)…
Grupo Bimbo identified digitization as a key element to help merchants remain competitive against modern retail stories in Mexico….
Our Peer-Exchange to Brazil was part of the Alliance’s response to the knowledge needs of member countries
Así como el Instituto Global McKinsey (MGI) revela que las finanzas digitales tendrían un impacto de US$ 3.7 trillones en el aumento del PBI en las economías emergentes, el nuevo reporte des…
As McKinsey Global Institute reveals a potential $3.7 trillion GDP boost in emerging economies, the report outlines how Peru can continue to advance its digital finance agenda …
Mexico’s route to financial inclusion begins with commitment to reduce use of cash
One of the largest economies in Latin America keeps growth momentum going by joining the United Nations’ Better Than Cash Alliance to foster a financially inclusive economy…
Una de las economías más grandes de América Latina mantiene el ritmo de crecimiento al unirse a la Alianza Better Than Cash de las Naciones Unidas para fomentar una economía de inclusión fi…
Uruguay has taken a further step towards its goal to provide access to financial services to all with its announcement that it has joined the Better Than Cash Alliance.
The government joins the United Nations-based alliance of governments, companies and international organizations that works to accelerate the move toward digitization of payments…