The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
The COVID-19 crisis is having a significant and widespread effect on global payments across sectors. The most striking and potentially lasting impact is an accelerating pace of change in the industry.
Guest speakers highlighted Colombia’s experience in providing digital transfers to nearly 3 million households in record time.
How has Colombia provided digital financial transfers to nearly 3 million households severely affected by the pandemic? What steps has the government taken to reach over 1 million households, who are first-time users of mobile money?
This webinar demonstrated how integrating the Responsible Digital Payments Guidelines in payment responses is possible at a time like this, and why it is an important building block for recovery.
Opening new payment gateways for merchants presents risks but much greater opportunities. Striking the right balance between fostering innovative services and managing risk is crucial.
En un mundo donde la tecnología está revolucionando nuestras vidas a un ritmo sin precedentes, la digitalización de pagos es clave para impulsar la adopción de políticas públicas que promuev…
This paper explores economic informality and how it relates to digital financial inclusion. It focuses specifically on the potential role that digital financial services–including those accessed through mobile phones and the internet can play in encouraging businesses to formalize their operations.
Entrevista a Gustavo Vega, Presidente de la empresa ACH Colombia…
Interview with Gustavo Vega, President of the clearing house ACH Colombia…
Cash remains in high demand despite measures by governments to keep funds digital. This Central Bank of Colombia study finds that economic growth and lower interest rates have a role to play.
How can platform approaches drive the digitization of cities? Learn how CIVICO and Accion are helping customers and small businesses, in Bogota, Mexico City, and Santiago, connect and transact.
Entrevista a Felipe Vásquez de Velasco, Gerente General de Pagos Digitales Peruanos (PDP)…
Interview with Felipe Vásquez de Velasco, General Manager of Peruvian Digital Payments (PDP)…
Grupo Bimbo identified digitization as a key element to help merchants remain competitive against modern retail stories in Mexico….
Our Peer-Exchange to Brazil was part of the Alliance’s response to the knowledge needs of member countries
This Diagnostic Study shows that Peru has a powerful opportunity to drive financial inclusion and continue modernizing its economy through further reforms to support digitization of payments.