The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Co-hosted by the Better Than Cash Alliance and CGAP, this webinar captured lessons on delivering vital government-to-person (G2P) payments in a way that expands choice while managing liquidity and cash-out in innovative ways.
This webinar demonstrated how integrating the Responsible Digital Payments Guidelines in payment responses is possible at a time like this, and why it is an important building block for recovery.
En un mundo donde la tecnología está revolucionando nuestras vidas a un ritmo sin precedentes, la digitalización de pagos es clave para impulsar la adopción de políticas públicas que promuev…
Entrevista a Felipe Vásquez de Velasco, Gerente General de Pagos Digitales Peruanos (PDP)…
Interview with Felipe Vásquez de Velasco, General Manager of Peruvian Digital Payments (PDP)…
Our Peer-Exchange to Brazil was part of the Alliance’s response to the knowledge needs of member countries
Construyendo sobre bases sólidas: un camino para el avance de los pagos de gobierno a nivel subnacional en el Perú
This Diagnostic Study shows that Peru has a powerful opportunity to drive financial inclusion and continue modernizing its economy through further reforms to support digitization of payments.
Así como el Instituto Global McKinsey (MGI) revela que las finanzas digitales tendrían un impacto de US$ 3.7 trillones en el aumento del PBI en las economías emergentes, el nuevo reporte des…
As McKinsey Global Institute reveals a potential $3.7 trillion GDP boost in emerging economies, the report outlines how Peru can continue to advance its digital finance agenda …
Uruguay has taken a further step towards its goal to provide access to financial services to all with its announcement that it has joined the Better Than Cash Alliance.
The government joins the United Nations-based alliance of governments, companies and international organizations that works to accelerate the move toward digitization of payments…
The Better Than Cash Alliance recently held a live webinar with key players behind the launch of Peru’s new mobile wallet. “Bim” is the first product of Modelo Perú, which plans to bring dig…
The Alliance contributed to the strategy, design and launch of Peru’s new mobile payment system, Bim, which plans to bring digital payments to five million Peruvians over the next five years.
By Jeffrey Bower, Digital Finance Specialist, Better Than Cash Alliance …