The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
We are living in a scenario of technology and digital world. Digital world comprises of digital techniques. Government has dreamed to transform India into Techno-Knowledge based India. Gover…
Full financial inclusion is possible through digital payments
As the world gets a progress report from the World Bank, the Better Than Cash Alliance outlines 10 key reasons to be optimistic about the journey toward full financial inclusion through digital payments.
Interview with World Cocoa Foundation, Paul F. Macek, Vice President for Programs …
This is a draft version and remains work-in-progress as digital financial services is a rapidly evolving space.
This draft (Annex I – Due Diligence Tool V.1) remains work-in-progress as digital financial services is a rapidly evolving space
The document presents a vision for how India’s digital economy can unlock productivity and value – through transformative infrastructure, applications and ecosystems. It also outlines iconic…
We report on an experiment examining why default options impact behavior. By randomly assigning employees to different varieties of a salary-linked savings account, we find that default enro…
Gap Inc. joins the Better Than Cash Alliance with a bold digitization goal
Joins UN-based Better than Cash Alliance to Promote Financial Inclusion and Greater Supply Chain Transparency and Efficiency…
A roundup of our latest reports and case studies
The focus of this Guide is on the design and implementation of digital ID systems that provide people with proof of legal identity, which is commonly needed to access basic services, rights, and protections.
The use of digital cards for government safety net transfers enhanced women’s decision-making power in the household and led to a 92% increase in women’s likelihood of participating in the l…
The mobile money industry is now processing a billion dollars a day and generating direct revenues of over $2.4 billion. With 690 million registered accounts worldwide, mobile money has evol…