The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
This blog post was originally published in the Huffington Post…
Construyendo sobre bases sólidas: un camino para el avance de los pagos de gobierno a nivel subnacional en el Perú
This Diagnostic Study shows that Peru has a powerful opportunity to drive financial inclusion and continue modernizing its economy through further reforms to support digitization of payments.
Así como el Instituto Global McKinsey (MGI) revela que las finanzas digitales tendrían un impacto de US$ 3.7 trillones en el aumento del PBI en las economías emergentes, el nuevo reporte des…
As McKinsey Global Institute reveals a potential $3.7 trillion GDP boost in emerging economies, the report outlines how Peru can continue to advance its digital finance agenda …
The working paper discusses critical challenges in education finance and the innovations in digital finance, which plays an important role on the Sustainable Development Goal for education.
The Global Payment Systems Survey (GPSS) covers cross-country comparisons and assess progress in national payments system development. The latest iteration (2018) shows the number of cashless transactions per capita per year (globally) increased by 25% as compared to 2015.
New reports by McKinsey Global Institute and the Better Than Cash Alliance
This paper reviews 25 countries where digitization has had great impact and reveals 10 tangible steps, or “accelerators,” that governments and companies can take to build inclusive digital economies.
For the first time, new evidence from 25 countries shows how governments and companies can move away from cash, as McKinsey Global Institute reveals a potential $3.7 trillion GDP boost…
This case study explores the factors both supporting and impeding the widespread adoption of Person-to-Government (P2G) and Business-to-Government (B2G) payments in Tanzania, focusing on the period from 2012 to 2016.
Findings illustrate how the private and public sector could work together to modernize economies, improve transparency and support financial inclusion and growth…
In this report, McKinsey takes a comprehensive approach to quantifying the economic and social imact of digital finance in emerging economies.
The report establishes how the mobile industry impacts the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and provides a set of commitments that will ensure that the SDGs are an enduring influence on our industry’s roadmap.
This report identifies critical gaps and opportunities for the cashless economies to increase financial inclusion for MSMs aand provides some interseting insights from successful cases from sevral countries including Indonesia, Peru and Nigeria.
The principles, endorsed in 2016 during the G20 Chinese Presidency, catalyzes the adoption of digital approaches to achieve G20’s goals of financial inclusion, inclusive growth and increasing women’s economic participation.
This CGAP blog dicsusses the successful cases of public-private partnerships to drive various digitiziation initiatives in Rwanda. One of those being ‘Rwanda Online’, which has brought 100 government services online over a period of three years and the digitization of bus fare payments in the same.
The report tracks the implementation of a Cambodian company Kamwork’s pay-as-you-go (PAYG) solar home systems (SHSs) with GSM-based machine-to- machine (M2M) connectivity to validate the business model and determine what level of support from GSM network coverage.