The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
This study lays the foundation for incorporating United Nations Principles for Responsible Digital Payments in the Rwandan tea sector, with the goal of increasing efficiency and improving farmers’ living incomes.
Media release from the Better Than Cash Alliance, the World Bank and the National Agency of Statistics and Demography of Senegal (ANSD)
A 10-point action plan for governments and businesses to rebuild stronger after COVID-19 by prioritizing women’s digital financial inclusion
Director-General says joining the Better Than Cash Alliance is part of stimulating more innovation and financial inclusion for smallholders
Analyzing impacts and potential of mobile money on (women’s) economic empowerment, financial inclusion and poverty reduction.
This two-minute video from the United Nations-based Better Than Cash Alliance is about Romita, a widow in the North East of India who opened a bank account to receive a government loan for a power loom.
Report by the Better Than Cash Alliance, Women’s World Banking, and the World Bank Group for the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion under the Saudi G20 Presidency
New partnership will result in promoting digital payments as an important tool to increase security, financial inclusion and economic opportunities in the workplace. …
Leading brands call on other companies and suppliers in Bangladesh to grasp the opportunity to drive inclusion, efficiency, and transparency through wage digitization…
Columbia University paper finds that even when they are given the opportunity, many of India’s poor women opt out of actively engaging with the formal banking institutions. It finds that education is a significant determinant in shaping the financial decisions of India’s poor women.
Blockchain Series: Blog 4…
Central Bank of Egypt is promoting women’s financial inclusion through a set of different measures such as enabling the legal and regulatory framework conditions, modernizing the financial i…
Through an interpretive case study of the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) in Pakistan, this paper critically examines mobile banking usage by women beneficiaries and technology’s effects on the institutional properties of their households.
Across the global policy community, the jury is now in about the power of digital payments to drive financial inclusion, particularly for women and the poor; improve efficiency and transpare…
Media release by the Government of Senegal, the Better Than Cash Alliance and MM4P…
New data gathered from the Higg Index from 3,000 factories in 58 countries…