The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Media release from the Better Than Cash Alliance, the World Bank and the National Agency of Statistics and Demography of Senegal (ANSD)
Director-General says joining the Better Than Cash Alliance is part of stimulating more innovation and financial inclusion for smallholders
COVID-19 is causing unprecedented health, economic and social crises and threatens the poverty and inclusion gains that have been made over the last decade.
New partnership will result in promoting digital payments as an important tool to increase security, financial inclusion and economic opportunities in the workplace. …
Leading brands call on other companies and suppliers in Bangladesh to grasp the opportunity to drive inclusion, efficiency, and transparency through wage digitization…
Scaling Digital Wages: An Opportunity for Garment Employees and Manufacturers…
Government of Bangladesh shifted to digital payments to transfer education stipends directly to mobile phone accounts of nearly 13 million mothers. In this report, CGDev takes stock of how t…
This International Women’s Day, Marks & Spencer (M&S) is joining our Alliance to help advance the Sustainable Development Goals.
This chapter provides an overview of financial inclusion around the world and discusses the empirical evidence on how the use of formal financial services significantly contribute to inclusive growth and economic development.
Media release by the Government of Senegal, the Better Than Cash Alliance and MM4P…
In a first study of its kind, data from nearly 3,000 factories across 58 countries, reveals that paying workers digitally correlates positively with better working conditions.
New data gathered from the Higg Index from 3,000 factories in 58 countries…
The global economy is experiencing important technological shifts, with the rise of digital technology a key driver. This can be seen today in the rapid growth of the digital economy, broadl…
This blog was originally published on…
This blog was originally published on The Practitioner Hub for Inclusive Business…
New report underscores benefits of shifting from cash to digital payments in corporate supply chains.