The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Leading brands call on other companies and suppliers in Bangladesh to grasp the opportunity to drive inclusion, efficiency, and transparency through wage digitization…
Scaling Digital Wages: An Opportunity for Garment Employees and Manufacturers…
New CGAP focus note explores the core idea behind future-ready G2P payments, lays out its advantages and challenges, and describes how governments can create modern G2P payments systems. It draws heavily from ongoing efforts in Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia.
This book analyzes advances in women’s economic engagement and empowerment in rural and urban Bangladesh.
This study discusses the emergence of bKash as the m-banking pioneer in Bangladesh. It focuses on the services provided by bKash and its current operating scenario in Bangladesh. bKash’s str…
Government of Bangladesh shifted to digital payments to transfer education stipends directly to mobile phone accounts of nearly 13 million mothers. In this report, CGDev takes stock of how t…
The paper suggests a pragmatic approach for Bangladesh to financially include the underserved through Digital financial services (DFS) by promoting interoperability.
This study traces the impact of mobile money transfers on rural poverty. Migrants actively using the technology increased remittances sent by 30% in value.
New report underscores benefits of shifting from cash to digital payments in corporate supply chains.
Leading apparel companies have collaborated with each other on the BSR Herfinance program to improve worker well-being through payroll digitization.
This report is the first of its kind to document key data points on the costs and benefits of wage digitization from a factory perspective.
Payday can be an ordeal for women garment workers in Bangladesh. Often, they must wait in long lines, carry wads of cash through crowded streets, or encounter a mother-in-law demanding money…
The paper estabishes that mobile applications are well positioned in Bangladesh’s m-commerce market and are capable of driving sales of high-end mobile phones while providing better services to the users.
This report covers overview and constraints of setting up a social protection system for informal workers in Asia. It also includes interesting case studies of some Asian countries including Bangladesh, the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Indonesia, Pakistan, and the Philippines.
This Diagnostic Report shows Bangladesh is making significant strides toward a digital economy, and outlines specific policy measures that can underpin further digitization of payments into the future.
In-depth analysis shows Bangladesh making impressive strides towards a digital economy, identifies solutions for further progress…
This paper defines Republic of Korea’s motivation for Electronic Tax Invoicing (ETI), the implementation process, the legal and regulatory regimes, lessons learned, and future challenges for tax policy makers and tax authorities in developing countries.