The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
In looking at ways to bring financial services to the more than two billion people outside formal financial systems, often the focus has been on piecemeal efforts to improve specific element…
$1.5 Million Grant Adds Momentum to Global Movement to Empower People and Grow Economies by Shifting from Cash to Electronic Payments…
News from BTCA financial inclusion UN General Assembly week event
The study looks at how development organizations or government programs can increase the efficiency and scale of transfers, while also forming the building blocks for financial inclusion.
August 2013 newsletter, Debit cards provide flexibility to displaced families in Mali, Giving Voice to Indonesian Cocoa Farmers on e-Services, Mobile Money Surveys
Eighteen-year-old Djélika Haïdara was pregnant when she fled her home in northern Mali to escape the violent aftermath of a military coup. She and her extended family were among more than 2…
The Better Than Cash Alliance and UNCDF participated a meeting of the Responsible Finance Community of Practice (CoP) on June 25th 2013 in Berlin, Germany. Participants agreed that one key …
It’s hard to imagine a more explosive, transformative, and empowering trend than the growth of the mobile phone sector in Africa. In 1998 there were fewer than 4 million phones on the contin…
Malawi Announces Commitment to Transition to Electronic Payments
At the Better Than Cash Alliance Secretariat we are starting to think what responsible digital payments mean for our members and stakeholders and want to ask your opinion.
This is one in a series of case studies that was made possible by a grant from the Government of the United Kingdom’s DFID to the CGAP in support of the work of the Better Than Cash Alliance.
While in Zambia last week, I was struck by the changes in the mobile money sector that have happened since my last trip in 2011, which admittedly is about 20 years ago in technology years. W…
Pledges to Improve Access to Finance and Markets for the Poor by Supporting Shift to Electronic Payments…
During President Barack Obama’s current visit to Africa, the Government of Malawi announced its commitment to the Better Than Cash Alliance.
Kenya is moving towards emerging market status and the government’s focused strategy of creating an electronic payments economy is contributing to its growth. During a reception hosted by th…
The discussion focused on the critical elements of Kenya’s successful transition process, the challenges and benefits of the shift.
The World Bank and the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) recently hosted the Third Meeting of the CPSS – World Bank Retail Payments Forum in Perugia, Italy. …
At ACDI/VOCA we see firsthand how technological innovations are revolutionizing approaches to global economic development. This is particularly true for electronic payments. Around 2.5 billi…
Grameen Foundation became the newest member of the Better Than Cash Alliance by committing to continue transitioning to electronic payments through its mobile financial services and mobile agriculture efforts
Grameen Foundation Joins Better Than Cash Alliance; Pledges to Address Poverty by Shifting to Electronic Payments…