The Better Than Cash Alliance is a partnership of governments, companies, and international organizations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Initiative Launched to Accelerate Global Shift to Electronic Payments for the Poor…
Leading Corporations, Foundations and Development Organizations Form ‘Better Than Cash Alliance’…
VISA JOINS GLOBAL LEADERS IN NEW PARTNERSHIP TO PROMOTE ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS AND IMPROVE LIVES By: Doug Michelman Today, Visa joins with six partners from government, the private sector and t…
In wealthy countries, most people conduct their financial activity in digital form; money and value is stored virtually and transferred instantaneously with a touch of a button, and the syst…
Digital initiative aimed at helping world’s poor…
Empowering People One Transaction at a Time: Leading Corporations, Foundations and Development Organizations Form “Better Than Cash Alliance” to Accelerate Global Shift to Electronic Payment…
Please find the most recent fact sheets on the Better Than Cash Alliance:…
In Brazil, the trucking industry has relied on a paper-based “freight letter” system for paying truck drivers’ salaries. Aside from operational inefficiencies, this method subjected cargo co…
The research examines the constraints to the uptake of these technologies in humanitarian programming, and has identified barriers to wider adoption of new technology that can be broadly gr…
Millions of people in the Dominican Republic struggle with poverty and hunger. In the past, distributing food, fuel and medicine was slow, expensive and often didn’t reach the intended recip…
This focus note reviews early lessons for NGOs from the field. It explores three central questions: Does initial evidence support the notion that mobile money is a cheaper, faster, and more …
This report describes the experience of Catholic Relief Services Haiti in employing a new mobile phone–based banking service, T-Cash. This service was adopted on a pilot basis to improve CRS…
This case study examines the transition of 25,000 social welfare beneficiares to electronic payments: how the decision was made; how donors, government and private sector cooperated; the st…
The largest social program in Mexico, Oportunidades, distributes benefits to 6.5 million people. The government-owned Bank of National Savings and Financial Services (Bansefi) was looking fo…
This document describes four case studies on the use of mobile money in Kenya, covering use by a government ministry (The Ministry of Lands), an NGO implementing partner of USAID (PACT), a g…
Conditional and unconditional cash transfers have been effective in improving development outcomes in a variety of contexts, yet the costs of these programs to program recipients and impleme…
The report looks at the opportunity to build a nation-wide electronic money network in PNG, where 90% of the population was unbanked. It highlights the cost and opportunities to public and …
IFC’s Mobile Money Toolkit © is a combination of both the best publicly available information and original content and newly created materials
The underlying foundation of a country’s financial system – including all institutions, information, technologies, rules and standards that enable financial intermediation – is its “financia…